Oktoberfest at It’s Best!

Phyllis, Dori, Maggie, Jeanette, Alda, Fran, Penny, John & Jean at Grandpa’s Schnitzel
On Fridays We Wear Read
The concept behind the Red Shirt Friday movement is simple – wear a red shirt every Friday to show that you respect and support our troops & veterans. The selfless acts of our military personnel have protected our rights and freedoms since the birth of this great nation. RSF was developed as a way for American citizens to show their support and appreciation for the sacrifices that our troops are making and our veterans have made. We encourage both our residents & staff to support this movement by wearing RED every Friday.

Front Row: Aravilla Veterans-Myles, Charlie, Darrell, Al, Lamar;
Back Row: Frank, Jerry, David, Bill, John, John, John, Don, Wes & Van
Happy Halloween Party at Aravilla

Michael, Diana, Mary Jo, Martha & Carla get into the Halloween spirit
We Get a Kick Out of Outings

Jerry, Jeanette, Fran, Myles, Barbara, Charlie, Penny, John, Dori, Phyllis, Jean, Alda, Maggie & Ellen enjoy lunch out
November Big Events!
Monthly Excursions Lunch Outings & Special Events
Piccolo Deli
Paisano’s Bakery
Big Cat Habitat
Der Dutchman
Olive Garden
Make-A-Wish Tea Party
Halloween Happy Hour
Thursday, NOV 30 4:00 pm
All Donations go towards Make-A-Wish Foundation
Resident Council
Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 at 10:30 am
Dining Committee
Friday, November 17th, 2023 at 10:30 am
Have you explored our website yet? Learn more about all our Aravilla senior communities, find upcoming public events and support groups, as well as our monthly resident activities calendar. You will also find local and national senior living resources, and be sure to browse the photo galleries and videos of all the fun we have here at Aravilla Sarasota!